Welcome to the Bauana Project.
Time has come to seriously start reversing the effects of Climate Change. The issue may continue to be discussed indefinitely, but for people of goodwill the bill is almost past due. We decided to do our part, and take action.
Our family owns the Carolina Farm, an 82,344-hectare property located on the left banks of Rio Bauana, in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon rain forest.
As much as we admire and support the NGOs and non-profit organizations struggling with the subject of climate change awareness, we strongly believe the reversal will only be possible if driven by the pursuit of profit.
We might change the present state of the environment if – and only if – all parts involved foresee profits on a consistent basis.

Such is the sound principle of both the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations’ UN-REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) Programme. Adding to the Kyoto Protocol principles, the UN-REDD imposes strong social benefits through a set of local regulations called REDD+. A win-win-win proposition for the environment, local communities, and investors.
The Bauana Project will prove that reversing climate change can be possible. The project consists of five parts, unique in nature but all interconnected and dependent upon each other: Bauana Forestry, Bauana Research Center, Bauana Resort, Bauana Sawmill and Bauana Sustainability.
If well developed, funded and managed, the Bauana Project will be healthily profitable, to become an important milestone for all related forestry and sustainability matters around the world. It will represent “the” project to be globally replicated – since replication of successful initiatives is the only chance to make a real impact on the environment over time.
The 5 Parts Of The Bauana Project

The Brazilian legislation also favors sustainability. The new “Codigo Florestal” (the 2013 Brazilian set of laws regulating environmental matters) establishes rules for the so-called MFS – Manejo Florestal Sustentável (Sustainable Forestry Management). We intend to go beyond the benefits established by law.
Furthermore, since all smaller reforestation enterprises will become instantly viable because of the Bauana Sawmill, activities such as reforestation with food co-production, among others, will become an important part of the broader Bauana Sustainability project.